For over thousands of years, the Swordsmen were the Kingdom's basic footsoldiers and the career of choice for budding adventurers. Many heroes that have risen to great heights started off as Swordsmen. Despite the myriad advancements in the tools and tactics utilized in warfare, swordsmen have always been an irreplaceable asset in battle.
Grants immunity from Knockdowns, Knockbacks and being Staggered. Grants temporary immunity to all removable status ailments except stuns, binds, immobility, curse, freeze and petrification after use. Also increases the chance of resisting status ailments for the duration of Pain Barrier.
Unleashes your power within to draw nearby enemies. You gain increased Threat from monsters with every attack for the duration of the buff. Maxed at level 1.
Max Level
Increases threat values when attacking enemies by 150% per attribute level.
One-handed Sword Mastery - Ready for Battle
Base Lvl 100
• Adds 20% of your weapon's attack as physical defense when equipping a [Shield] and [One-handed Sword]. • Increases attack speed when equipping a subweapon and [One-handed Sword] (no [Shield]).
Bash - Knockdown
Bash Lvl 3
Enemies hit by [Bash] are knocked down Increases SP consumption by 30%.
Liberate - Awaken
Reduces the duration of [Liberate] to 6 seconds and increases damage against enemies by 50%. Increases SP consumption by 50%.
Liberate - Fortitude
Reduces the duration of [Liberate] to 6 seconds and increases the incoming damage reduction effect by 50%. Increases SP consumption by 50%.
Thrust - Charge
Increases the Overheat of [Thrust] to 2, and upon use, dashes to your target and deals damage.
Centurion • Fortune Teller • Lama • Luchador • Mimic
- Progress Stage 1
This page is currently at stage 1 and will contain some sort of element missing. We'll be working to advance it forward in the near future for more accurate information and better presentation.