Cleric have various skills that can either heal or buff allies in battle. They are largely a support class but they can be developed into a profession that plays a larger role in the front-lines as well as behind the scenes as support.
Clerics are former apprentice clergymen who have completed their training. For thousands of years, the Clerics are a group that has devoted their lives to studying and worshipping the Goddesses.
Restores the HP of a designated target. The amount of HP restored depends on the caster's healing values. Repeated casting increases SP consumption that is dependent on the player's SPR stat. Kabbalist - Heal factor increased by 10%. Pardoner - SP consumption reduced by 50. Plague Doctor - Heal - Overload duration reduced by 0.7 second. Priest - Heal factor increased by 5%. SP consumption reduced by 25. Heal - Overload duration reduced by 0.3 second.
Strike down enemies with a powerful attack. Deals additional damage to Mutant- and Demon-type enemies.
Max Level
One-handed Blunt Mastery - Healing
Increases Healing by 2% per attribute level when equipping a one-handed blunt weapon.
Two-handed Blunt Mastery - Strike
Strike damage +10% when equipping a [Two-handed Blunt] weapon.
Physical Stat - Cleric
Cleric's stat growth ratio is changed. INT ↔ STR, SPR ↔ DEX
Heal - Linger
Applies a buff that continuously restores the HP of allies healed with Heal or Mass Heal. The buff lasts 10 sec and restores HP in a value equal to [attribute level x 5]% of your Healing stat. Increases SP consumption by 30%.
Cloth Mastery - Healing
While equipped with 4 pieces of [Cloth] armor, your Attack is reduced by 5% in exchange for increasing Healing by the amount of Attack lost. Does not apply simultaneously with theCloth Mastery - Communionart.
Centurion • Fortune Teller • Lama • Luchador • Mimic
- Progress Stage 1
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